Risking not taking my own advice. The WT is full on board with climate change, same as earthquakes, you know, ruining the earth.
Didnt jesus say men would be weenies?
jesus had foretold that people of "last days" would “faint out of fear” because of things such as “sea-level rise’ as part of “signs of last days” in luke 21:25. bible translators—including new world translation of jehovah’s witnesses—missed the real meaning as they translated it as “roaring of the sea and its agitation.” (https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/nwt/books/luke/21/).
more careful translations such as niv put it: “roaring and tossing of the sea.” (https://biblehub.com/luke/21-25.htm) word for “tossing” is σάλου (salou), from saino; i.e., billow,” (swell outwards).
thus underlying thought is like balloon swelling, or water flowing outwards, as though ready to roll over, thus points to the modern terminology “sea-level rise.” biblos interlinear translation (int:) translates it as “of [the] sea and rolling surge.” “rolling sea.” (a greek lexicon to the new testament, edward robinson (d.d., page 416) (a greek lexicon to the new testament on the basis of dr. robinson ... by c. robson).. jesus’ original use of the wording “tossing of the sea” is another way of saying “sea-level would rise” as a result of pollution of air.
Risking not taking my own advice. The WT is full on board with climate change, same as earthquakes, you know, ruining the earth.
Didnt jesus say men would be weenies?
the major topic of conversation was that almost all do not want to go back to the meetings and field service!
and we are talking very zealous and active witnesses!
Well it is easier to sleep. With no picture and sound the snoring doesn't attract attention. There will be a " I told you so" on having children by the withered crones. We decrepit old ones will have an out for a while.
I do not see a hybrid meeting work. What would work is an honest message not aimed at the slowest mind.
rutherford said:.
a few words like the above pronounced at the beginning of the study would be far more beneficial than to occupy the same time in singing songs, which often express much that is out of harmony with the truth of and concerning god's kingdom.watchtower/1938/may/1st/pg.139 .
back then, they had what was called: order of study, and this is what every overseer was instructed to say to the audience.. .
They used to sing hymns. Then moved away from any church songs that had " connections" to Babylon the great.
Now the piano is gone, any likeable melody is rewritten ( butchered), and any poetic structure is redone as it may sound "kingjamesey".
Any multilingual? I question translating the songs and keeping the meter, rhyme, and sentiment over a hundred languages
i live in a country that has had reasonably low levels of covid.
bearing this in mind i’d like to discuss my thoughts on 2 jw funerals i attended during this time.. (funeral 1) even though there were no governmental restrictions at the time, the official stance of wt was the halls were shut down.
despite this the local congregation decided to open the hall up for the service and a reception at a private premises.
And it is a Sunday talk with brief mention of the person. Even in person there is not enough interaction, a lot of attendees go for old times week and the reception. Zoom makes it worse.
I would not have anything if I could. Given that a family needs closure a open buffet, maybe drinks, done by a caterer and my choice of music, or at least not the usual kingdom malady ditty.
The best I have been to were a methodist, Presbyterian, and catholic, complete with piper.
If you remember the Jameson " Dear brother" it had a nice sentiment if the crowd is able bodied
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
My (faulty at times) memory says some things have doubled over the last 2 or 3 years.
I don't know if it is factored in, but things that would store seldom go on sale. We used to buy extra peanut butter, detergent, canned goods, anything we would use when it was on special. I still have to argue with myself to buy things without the shopping around. The extra gasoline is an ignored consideration. We still plan, Walmart produce is usually poorer quality than a further away grocer, and there are still a few luxury (Target couponed filet) we splurge on.
the watchtower—study edition | january 2022. during the great tribulation, gog of magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes.
but we can take comfort in knowing that jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us (see paragraph 13).
13. when gog of magog attacks, why will we appear to be vulnerable, but what reason for confidence will we have?
I am so glad I will be living in a nice home after the greatest tribulation ever seen.
so i have not been to a kh for 26 years.
if i wanted to dissociate what would be the procedure and is there any gain in doing it so long after i left?.
I think the records are kept forever, but in 26 years will be so far back they are crumbly or misplaced. I have heard of records being lost so the CO has nothing to ask about. Why disassociate now? Open old wounds?
Flip a coin
Then.....see if I am disappointed with the way it landed.
Simon has it
i`ll go first ,i have my vaccinated 2 jabs for the elderly.. if i`m not around in the next 3 months you will know why ..
2 Pfizer. Mulling the booster. No info on mixing yet
other churches give kids ice cream.
Church after school dances, charity work. All partly done to attract members.
Local KH has chains on the parking lot. Local church is a vaccination and food distribution lot. The bishops storehouse sent food away with the pioneers who called there😃